Welcome to my blog’s first post!
I was working on my project the other day. I’m working on a desktop GUI project, which is not as popular as a web project nowadays. As a result, there are not that many online sources that I can refer to while working on it (not to mention the official documentation is not that good). So I was thinking, hey I should write this up so I can help my future self. While I’m at it I also think that writing it in a blog maybe is not a bad idea!
As you can see, my blog is a bit bare. I’m inspired by this website for the design. Also, because it’s mainly just for my note I think it’s good to keep things simple and lightweight. Please let me know if you have any suggestions!
For now, I plan to write some posts related to desktop GUI software. More specifically on GTK and C. Please note that I’m not a professional C engineer by any means (I write java for a living, like your everyday software engineer). So, I’m sorry if most of my post only consists of surface-level knowledge or even contains any errors. Please let me know if that happened. You can send me an email or contact me on my socials.
So, as I’ve already mentioned. This blog will be mainly used as my notes on my software engineer journeys. Also, I’m not a native speaker. Hopefully, by writing a lot of English I can be better at my English. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy your stay here!
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